iPod Touch/iPhone books

Michael Zapp has been working overtime getting projects ready for offering through the Appstore. The images above will lead you directly to the page where you can order these stories and 21 Days.

21 Days is selling like hotcakes on the iPhone, which is really cool.

According to Their Needs and The Lazarus Murder are two Purgatory Station stories, completing the set. Well, actually, there is a fifth story which was just republished in a Planet Stories anthology, so I can’t redo it for e-publishing for a year. That story is Keeping Score and if you click on the title, it’ll take you to the page where you can order the book. The anthology, which was edited by James Lowder, contains stories by authors who have made their mark writing gaming fiction, but the stories are set in Worlds of Their Own, hence the catchy title. Check it out.

There is actually a sixth Purgatory Station universe story that I’ve written for a YA Charity anthology, but no publication date has been set for it. I’ll let you know when that becomes available.

And if you want the story According to Their Needs in PDF format, just click the image below, and you’ll go straight to the page in my store.

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