Virtual Guest at Opus Fantasy Fest this weekend!

I’ve been invited to be a “virtual guest” for the Opus Fantasy Fest in Denver. I’ll be here in Phoenix, but will be participating in panels and doing a reading at the convention over the Internet. I’ll be doing this via Second Life.

You’re all invited to join in!

The schedule of events is:

Friday 13 March

Opening Ceremonies 5-6 PM Pacific/Second Life Time

Saturday 14 March

A Tour of Second Life 11 AM-Noon Pacific/Second Life Time (I’ll be showing folks around the Third Life and Farpoint Media area in Second Life.

Panel: E-publishing’s Pros and Cons 3-4 PM Pacific/Second Life Time. We’ll be discussing the Kindle, Amazon, the iPhone and the future of publishing and distribution.

The panelists are: Michael Stackpole, Tammy Yourzek, Ilona Andrews and Gordon Andrews (M)

Reading: Kid Binary and the Two-Bit Gang 6-7pm Saturday. I’ll be reading a story about—no surprise—adventures in a virtual reality.

Sunday 15 March

Panel: Urban Fantasy 10-11 AM Pacific/Second Life Time. We’ll be discussing the magic and modern fantasy, pulling the magic “out of the wood and putting it back in the streets.”

The panelists are: Michael Stackpole, Robert Hoyt, Ilona Andrews (M) and Gordon Andrews

Closing Ceremonies 4-5 PM

All events and tours will take place here. Just click that link and you’ll get a link directly into my office in Second Life.

Opus Fantasy Fest is going to set up a feed from the convention, so we’ll be able to see what’s going on there while folks at the convention will be able to watch all of us in Second Life. It’s an innovative program and will be a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to it.

Getting into Second Life is easy, and doesn’t cost a cent. Set up an account, download the software, and then you can click here. That will take you to a spot in the Third Life and Farpoint Media area where we have a lot of free stuff for new folks.

This is going to be a ton of fun. Please join us!

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