Terribly Twisted Tales

A new anthology, Terribly Twisted Tales, just came out. The whole premise of the book is simple: take a folk or fairy-tale and toss a new twist on it. Make the familiar unfamiliar and have fun.

I have the last story in it, titled The Adventure of The Red Riding Hoods. It’s a Sherlock Holmesian story featuring an anthropomorphic wolf, C. August Lupyne, and his chronicler and companion, Dr. Woolrich—who is a Sheep. Humans exist, too.

One of the things I love doing in stories is finding a way to explain away big things as economically as I can. In this story I had to explain how humanoid wolves, sheep and assorted other creatures existed along with Human beings. I managed it with a single line: “Though Men resist the comparison, as they are to the lesser apes, so are we to our more common brethren.” It says everything and nothing at all, which makes it a lot of fun.

And, yes, I’d love to do more Lupyne stories. This one was just too much fun.

Check the anthology. ISBN 978-0-7564-0554-0.

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