Issue 122 of The Secrets: Kindle Document Preparation

I just released Issue 122 of The Secrets newsletter. This issue is titled Kindle Document Preparation.

I have been harping on the effects of the digital revolution on publishing for years now. Every press release and news story talks about the sad state of publishing and, quite frankly, traditional publishing is terrified of the digital revolution. I won’t ride that hobby-horse here, but it’s a discussion you can hear on Dragonpage Cover to Cover on almost a weekly basis.

I’ve been publishing material for readers through the Legends system for the iPhone and I’ve also made work available for the Kindle. I’ve spent a lot of time developing the instructions that are laid out in this issue of The Secrets. This system will teach you not only how to prepare the documents for the Kindle, but how to have them look good—better even than offerings from major publishers. (For those who don’t know, back in the early days I worked in Flying Buffalo’s production department, learning about things like typesetting and layout, so I actually do know more than your average author about book design and layout.)

If you want to profit from your writing, this is a great way to start. This is self-publishing on a simple, no cost, low risk platform. And since more and more folks will be doing just this, you might as well get in on the ground floor. After all, if a rising tide is going to lift all boats, might as well get in the water first.

If you subscribe right now, you’ll get that issue, plus all the previous issues in this volume from 101 on. Your subscription will run through issue 125, and you’ll get those issues for the subscriber price of $1 each.

If you only want the single issue, click the link or on the image above and you’ll get it for $3.

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