8th Wonderland

Yesterday I mentioned that I was working the International Horror and Science Fiction Film Festival. This is the fifth year that I’ve been the IHSFFF’s Director of Science Fiction programming. It’s great fun, but can be very tough, since I have to winnow down a pile of wonderful films into the handful we get to screen.

This year one of the two feature films is 8th Wonderland. It’s a fantastic movie about a virtual nation, where citizens from around the physical world form a pure democracy and take action to make the physical world a better place. What I really liked about the movie, aside from the film being very visually appealing, is that the filmmakers didn’t shy from making tough decisions. 8th Wonderland is a very thoughtful film, which will leave any viewers thinking about the conclusions, and likely wanting to see it more than once!

8th Wonderland has been getting great buzz out of the festival goers. The directors made a very wise choice in asking Melanie Molnar (the actress who played the US Reporter) to come to the festival to introduce the film and answer questions. You absolutely want to hit the above link and check out their website. It gives you a solid feel for the film.

This is definitely a film you want to see when it opens near you.

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