Tuscon Friday

I got a chapter written today at 2495 words and it came fairly easily. Yet again it’s a chapter that expands a concept hinted at before which will grow and run through the entire series. I love when this happens in a series. It gives the whole thing a lot more depth and range to explore. Lots of folks don’t realize that a great deal of the fun and magic of writing comes as part of this development. It’s part of watching your brain work. You challenge yourself and your characters. It’s very exciting.

After I got that done I intended to do another chapter, but I had errands, like picking up prescriptions, hitting the bank, doing laundry and loading the car. I got that all together and headed down to Tucson. Crazy drivers on the road, but I managed to get to the Old Pueblo without any road rage incidents.

It’s been a long time since I’ve attended a Tuscon, and it’s great to be here again. Lots of old friends I’ve not seen for years are here. Tuscon is a convention that’s very relaxing, but has a strong, friendly dynamic beneath it. The discussions are always a lot of fun and, as with WFC, I return from it feeling reenergized.

I don’t know how much writing I will get done down here. My schedule really doesn’t give me much time for it, but we’ll see. I will be able to get other work done, however, testing some ideas about digital and POD publishing, so it will help. I’m still confident I can hit my goal by the end of the month.

We shall see…

November Word Count: Hard count: 46K and change. Soft count: 10200

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