Christmas Ruminations…

I find it kind of funny that we get conditioned by songs and movies and TV and all that Christmas should be perfect. It’s one of those times when everyone should be happy, and redemption should be rampant. A Christmas Carol, for example, preaches that message. We’re all supposed to be our best selves and, to tell the truth, that really does make the season fun. And while so many people to tend to forget that, especially while merging from their lane, across mine, to the next lane, and then back again when they decide that they were in the right place in the first place; taking a deep breath and just letting it go beats the heck out of venting anger through cursing and shaking of fists.

Primarily because those folks will just look at you and, oblivious folks that they are, won’t understand why you’re not in the season’s spirit.

At the same time, we all acknowledge the stress and the difficulties. As I have oft heard quoted, “It’s not a holiday until someone gets drunk and someone else is called a slut.” In the airport in Philly I heard half of a cell-phone conversation between a man and his lover. From his tone of voice and the statement, “That’s it, I’ve had enough,” I’m thinking the jolly is draining from his holiday.

So, like everyone else, I get to navigate the variety of emotions and relationships and stressors. We added a fun one yesterday: my father got an iPhone, so this week will include “computer camp,” sessions. If we had a cool logo, we’d make t-shirts. He’s had a PDA in the past, and works on a Mac, so getting him up to speed will not be that hard. I especially like the fact that because of the phone and mapping/gps software, if he has service, he can find a map back home.

The holidays do become different, however, as you get older. The house above is where I grew up. My parents have lived in it since I was in second grade. We have a fantastic tree, which I will shoot some pictures of, and a number of traditions which will be observed—including my mom completely stressing out as she perceives less time in which to get things accomplished. This is not helped by the fact that wrapping presents is getting more difficult and some of the things she wants to do, or wants done, just can’t be done. Yesterday, as the result of something frustrating her, she said, “This is not how I want it to be.”

And, for just a second, the world stopped and reality reordered itself around her will. (It was close to 11:30 am EST yesterday… You probably felt it. If not, it’s hysterical amnesia. 🙂 )

My father is making rum-cakes and I’m learning new techniques. My mother has wrapped and placed tags on several, reminding us, multiple times, about who should get which cake if they happen to stop by. I’m sure, when she returns to the house, we will be debriefed as to who got what if anything was given out. (And as I typed that, a cake was given out. If my mom had an iPhone we’d shoot her a picture of the exchange, but my mom makes Luddites look like apostles of Silicon Valley.)

I’ll likely have a few more thoughts on the holidays as they continue, and will share them here. I’m also finding I can get some writing done, which is pretty much a first. Not much, mind you, but every word counts. So we’ll see what piles up as the holidays continue.

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