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The Anti-Trust Suit Settlement—A Layman’s Opinion

The Anti-Trust Suit Settlement—A Layman’s Opinion

Let me state from the outset, if the title is not enough of a warning, that I am not a lawyer. My opinion on the settlement, if nuanced at all, is not informed by the law. I’m reacting to what I read via news stories and in commentaries by folks who know more law than […]

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Why Selling Direct is Vital for Authors

Why Selling Direct is Vital for Authors

News hit this morning that Google has decided to no longer sell ebooks through independent bookstores. Instead Google will focus on selling ebooks directly through Google Play. Their collaborative effort with bookstores had been an attempt by both parties to crack Amazon’s dominance of the ebook market. Writers having their own websites and/or taking other […]

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My Mom’s Birthday Giveaway

My Mom’s Birthday Giveaway

As you may recall, last month, on 3 February, I gave away copies of A Gathering Evil for free through Amazon and the Kindle Store. That was a Friday, and, by happenstance, the day after my brother’s birthday. (I know, seems like a random fact, but it will tie in nicely later.) I’m still gathering […]

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E-book Design doesn’t have to be bad

E-book Design doesn’t have to be bad

A Twitter message of outrage over e-book pricing from @feliciaday (yes, that Felicia Day) reminded me of an embarrassing incident from the holidays. I’d put it out of my mind largely due to hysterical amnesia. You’ll see why in a second. For Christmas my brother, sister and I kicked in to get my parents an […]

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Whistling Past the Graveyard: HarperCollins and Amanda Knox

Whistling Past the Graveyard: HarperCollins and Amanda Knox

I ran across a news item today about HarperCollins signing Amanda Knox to a huge book deal. Four million dollars for her tell-all biography about her ordeal in the Italian justice system. For those of you, like me, who don’t have cable and haven’t been following cases like this (or that of Casey Anthony) closely, […]

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iBook Author Software projects…

iBook Author Software projects…

On 19 January, Apple made its big announcement about reinventing textbooks. They showed off some gorgeous, interactive texts that, frankly, I’d have killed to have as a kid. The animations, graphics and even the review section in the book really make it easy for kids, in my opinion, to move ahead at their own pace. […]

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Capitalism 101

Capitalism 101

Writers write for a lot of different reasons: For fun. For feedback. To hone their skills. To get noticed. To get famous. To get rich. To change the world. To make a living. I’m sure there are many more reasons for writing. Many writers write for more than one of the the above—all the good […]

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