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My Conan Adventure: Part One

My Conan Adventure: Part One

I have to start this adventure forty years ago, when I was thirteen. That’s when I first discovered Conan. I have to start there because the boy in Vermont reading those books, falling in love with Belît, thrilling to the adventures of the Cimmerian, never would have believed it possible that he’d have written a […]

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Raising Thaumopolis

Raising Thaumopolis

I thought you might enjoy this. Back in 2007, through Brian Pulido, I got a chance to write a script for the 10th Anniversary Revisioning of Tomb Raider Lara Croft. Below is the result. This means I can say that my first produced script stars Minnie Driver! What was kind of funny about the whole […]

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Talion Challenge Update #2: The New Math

Talion Challenge Update #2: The New Math

If you’ve been reading this blog at all in the last few months, you know I’ve been talking about how digital publishing is really taking off. I mean, if NASA had rockets this good, we’d have colonies on Mars and I’d be spending summers on my asteroid a bit further out. The American Association of […]

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Imaginary Friends

Imaginary Friends

In the airport a couple weeks ago, I saw a boy carrying a Teddy Bear. I was envious. He carried it easily, clutching it close to his tummy. He clearly had a good friend there to see him through the chaos that is an airport. He wasn’t a terribly young boy. I’d have guessed he […]

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Story Idea Ambush

Story Idea Ambush

Because my relationship with the English language is often contentious—especially when it comes to spelling—I tend to take poorly worded and misspelled messages with a grain of salt. I mean, today I got a note from someone touting his company’s web design service and their specialty of serving authors, with the subject line of “Why […]

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Ask Dr. Sinisterion: Can one dupe a genius?

Ask Dr. Sinisterion: Can one dupe a genius?

(Because of rebuilding the webstore, I’m a bit behind in my blogging. Luckily, there’s a brilliant and infinitely talented guest blogger (whose denials of being a consultant for Wikileaks ring hollow) who has once again come to the rescue. Here is his latest dose of insights about the world from a decidedly and distinctly unique […]

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Mike’s Lexicon: Spontenudity

Mike’s Lexicon: Spontenudity

Spontenudity (noun): pertaining to the gleeful and impulsive propensity for small children to shuck all clothing with little or no motivation at all. This generally occurs at the time and place which causes the parents the maximum amount of mortification. Note: This behavior is sometimes seen in adults, especially males, at sporting events or other […]

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