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The May 1936 Project: Death to Distractions

The May 1936 Project: Death to Distractions

I almost titled this post “A half-assed Time Travel experiment.” The short form of what I’m looking at doing during May is a way to avoid distractions. It’s much too easy for me to get distracted by movies and TV shows and even email. I find myself justifying it all as “research” or, well, really, […]

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Impossible Dream=iPad

Yes, I am an Apple enthusiast. I’ve worked on a Mac since 1987 and am typing this on my 9th Macintosh computer. (All but two of the older ones still run and are in use at various tasks around the house.) I have bought/obtained five iPods, all of which still work. I even owned both […]

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Resisting Temptation

Temptation is an occupational hazard for writers. Pretty much anything we want to do or try, any experience we can have, can be justified as “research.” Given that a lot of what I do involves being on top of technological developments, and filling my head with a vast variety of experiences that I can bring […]

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